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Online Resources

Enjoy free online access to a wealth of resources and information available from our online databases.

Some of the databases below require your library membership card number to be entered and others are accessible simply by clicking on the links (see below).

The databases and what we offer

The following databases do not require your library card number:

National Library of New Zealand - This also gives you access to the New Zealand National Union Catalogue and the Australian National Bibliographic Database.

Index New Zealand - New Zealand periodicals and articles from New Zealand journals.

Kauwhata Reo - With the continued growth of te reo Māori learners there is a need to make it easier to find te reo Māori resources. This site aims to develop a repository to support those teaching and learning te reo Māori to search for and access relevant content, tools and resources. They are still in the early stages of development and more features and content will be coming soon.

Papers Past - Papers Past contains more than two million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers, periodicals, journals and parliamentary papers. The collection covers the years 1839 to 1961 and includes over 68 publications from all regions of New Zealand. 

Te Ara - Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand offers many pathways to understanding New Zealand. It is a comprehensive guide to the country's peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy, institutions and society.

Standards New Zealand (Building Standards) - The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (Building System Performance) has funded the following building standards, used for Building Code compliance, for free download.

The New Zealand Electronic Text Collection - Comprises significant New Zealand and Pacific Island texts and materials held by Victoria University of Wellington Library. This encompasses both digitised heritage material and born-digital resources. 

Pātaka Whenua - Provides a snapshot of current ownership, trustee, memorial and block information for land that falls within the jurisdiction of the Māori Land Court under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 and other legislation.

The Journal of the Polynesian Society - The Polynesian Society is a non-profit organization based at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Founded in 1892, the Society's aim was the scholarly study of past and present New Zealand Māori and other Pacific Island peoples and cultures. All issues of the Journal are available on this site except for a rolling embargo on the most recent two years.

Dictionary New Zealand Biography - The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography forms part of Te Ara. It includes the definitive texts of all the biographies previously published in print, and additional biographies which are available only online. It also includes te reo Maori versions of all the biographies relating to Maori subjects. New biographies are added each year. 

Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives - The Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives (AJHR), sometimes known as "the A to Js", is a collection of government-related reports published every year from 1858. The reports cover many subjects, documenting the work of government departments and a wide range of other activities carried out by, or of interest to, the government of the day.


Last updated 16 July 2024, 03:45 pm

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