ALERT Ngaaruawaahia library is closed until Thursday 27 March due to maintenance.
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Pay it


View your account online

You can now view and pay your rates, dog registration and other account details online anytime!

/ sign-up

You can pay your Council invoices by:

Online credit card

Pay online with credit card

This link will take you to our secure online payment portal.

You can pay your animals, building, subdivisions, consents, certificates, infringements, debtor accounts, periodic licensing, rates and water rates using a credit card online. We accept Visa and Mastercard.

We recommend reading the online payments - terms and conditions before using the online payment facilities.

Please note that using a credit card will incur a convenience fee of 0.85% that is charged by the credit card issuer, we do not receive any part of this fee.

You should check with your card issuer for details about other fees or charges that may also apply, as this credit card transaction is carried out in terms of the arrangement between you and your card issuer.

If the payment is made using a credit card issued outside New Zealand, any currency conversion will be done according to the terms and conditions of the card – there may be currency conversion fees charged by your card issuer.

Transactions are processed within two working days of the payment.

Please contact us regarding refunds for overpayments or incorrect payments.

POLi online

Pay online with POLi

Pay online in real time using internet banking with POLi! You don’t need a credit card and you don’t need to register. When you pay with POLi, your payment is transferred directly between banks.

Real time debit online

Pay online with real time direct debit

Real Time Debit using a BNZ or Westpac bank account allows you a direct connection to your bank. You can make a payment using your own funds straight from your own bank account so there is no additional cost to make your payment online.

Like our currently payment gateway, Real Time Debit is securely hosted by Datacom. Datacom never has access to your internet banking or password details. You are safely redirected through to your own bank’s online environment. As more banks come on board with Real Time Debit, this will be available to other Bank customers as well.

Please contact us regarding refunds for overpayments or incorrect payments.

Direct debit

Easy Pay is a simple and convenient way to pay your rates, water and debtor invoices. This is arranged with us and gives us authority to debit your bank account as agreed.

Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly, monthly or by instalment (every four months) from your chosen bank account.

You can use our direct debit calculator to work out the payment amount and frequency you would like to set-up.

No penalties are payable while paying by Easy Pay unless you have entered into a fixed amount payment arrangement.

We recalculate your direct debit annually if you have chosen a calculated payment arrangement.

To arrange Easy Pay, complete our online form or download the Easy Pay application form, fill it in and send it back.

To make any changes to your existing Easy Pay, for example changing the date or the frequency, no fee is charged. All you need to do is contact us.  

If you have changed your bank account number, you will need to complete another Easy Pay application form.

We will confirm your direct debit payment dates and amounts by letter.  

For more information please call 0800 492 452 or complete our online form.


Internet banking

You are welcome to use your bank’s online or telephone banking services to pay rates.

Please contact your bank regarding using this facility or log on to internet banking and search for "Waikato District Council".

Please ensure you make payments on or prior to the penalty date to avoid incurring a 10 per cent instalment penalty.

Each bank has a cut off time for payments to be processed. Please check the cut off time with your bank.


You can make payments using EFTPOS at any Council Office

Banks are phasing out cheques therefore, we can no longer accept these as a form of payment as of 1 July 2021.

Our offices and libraries do not accept cash however there are a number of businesses across the district where you can pay a Council bill or have printing done using cash.  


Unfortunately there are no businesses available to pay Council bills or have printing done using cash.



NZ Post: 1 Galileo Street (behind Ngaaruawaahia Community House), open Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm, Saturday 9am-1pm


Computer Consultancy and Recycle IT, 108 Great South Road, Ngaaruawaahia, open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, Saturdays by appointment

Ngaaruawaahia Community House, 13 Galileo Street, open Monday-Friday 8.30am-3pm



Central NZ Post and Kiwibank (inside SuperValue), 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan, open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.


Cyclery Raglan, 10 Bankart Street, Raglan, open Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm, Saturday 10am to 2pm.

Te Kauwhata


Unfortunately there are no businesses available to pay Council bills using cash.


Te Kauwhata Community House, 1 Waerenga Road, Te Kauwhata, open Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm


Bills and printing

Central NZ Post and Kiwibank, 34 George Street, Tuakau, open Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm and Saturday 9am-1pm.

Rubbish stickers and tags

Click here to view alternative locations

Download the Antenno app

Use the Antenno app to tell us about things that need our attention, like potholes, graffiti, or broken streetlights.

More about Antenno
