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Kit collection

Got a new hobby? Want to learn something new, explore and play?

We have a range of kits for you to borrow so that you can try something new, without having to buy the material or gear yourself. There’s something for everyone – from musical instruments to science and DIY. Got a suggestion for a new kit? Let us know!

Kits cost $2 for 1 week and must be returned to the library they are hired from. Not all kits are at all libraries.

Some of the kits you might see:

  • Anatomy kit
  • Bongo kit
  • Botley the Coding Robot
  • Dash Coding Robot
  • Flexistix kit
  • Guitar kit
  • Junior Music kit
  • Magnetics kit
  • Microscope kit
  • Ngaa Kupu Ako kit
  • Tool kit
  • Ukulele kit
  • Robot mouse kit
  • Snap circuit kit
  • World map puzzle kit
  • Moving creations kit
  • Sensory fidget kit

Interested in a particular kit? Contact your local library to see if it’s available.

Terms and Conditions

When you borrow a kit, you are responsible for:

  • Reading and following any instructions included with this kit
  • Returning it by the due date, clean and in the same condition as when you borrowed it
  • Any loss, theft or damage that occurs to the kit while it is on loan to you (ask at the issue desk for a price list of the items included in this kit)
  • Using items in this kit in a safe and proper manner, and only for the purposes for which it is intended and/or as set out in the instructions. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Waikato District Libraries assumes no responsibility or liability for any injuries, damage to self, others or property as a result of any use or reliance on the kit you have borrowed. Nothing in this disclaimer is intended to limit your rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.
  • If you discover a fault with the kit or if it is damaged, please stop using it immediately and return it to your library.

Last updated 11 March 2024, 11:54 am

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