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Have you got any unwanted tyres taking up space in your garage or garden? Mark your calendar for Saturday, 7 December, and head into Te Kauwhata for a tyre recycling event.
We’ve made some changes to improve our consenting processes and make it easier for people who want to build or develop land in the Waikato district.
A Hearings Panel has recommended to Waikato District Council's Infrastructure Committee to reclassify part of the Pookeno Domain from Recreation Reserve to Local Purpose (community centre) Reserve.
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Stay up-to-date with what is happening in Port Waikato
Stay up-to-date with the projects happening at Whāingaroa (Raglan) Wharf.
We are building liveable, thriving and connected communities in our district.
If you want to do business in the best place in New Zealand, then you want to do business in Waikato district.
Check out what dogs and puppies are currently available for adoption from our pounds.
Join our Facebook group to keep up-to-date with news, events and projects happening in our six libraries.
Making it easy for you to report illegal dumping and share ideas about how to stop people from dumping their trash.