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Terms and conditions

This website is owned by Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaaruawaahia, New Zealand. This website is governed by the terms of use, privacy policy, disclaimer and copyright provisions of Waikato District Council.

These terms and conditions apply to the Waikato District Council (“Council”, “we”, “us” and "our") website and our associated websites where that website does not have its own terms of use. 

This website, including these terms, is changed and updated from time to time. Some of the online services made available by the Council may be subject to additional terms and conditions. By accessing and using any online or other interactive service, users are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions applicable to that service.

Contact details

See our Contact us section for more information, complete our feedback form, log a request through our customer portal or on the Antenno app.

Waikato District Council has made every reasonable effort to provide current and accurate information on this website.

However, Council does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all information written and cannot accept responsibility for any actions taken from this information or information provided from any external links from this site. Website users are advised to use their own judgement.

Council cannot guarantee uninterrupted and error-free access to the website and that all information downloaded from the site will be error-free or free from any defects.

Unless otherwise stated, copyright in all material on this site belongs to Waikato District Council.

Website visitors may reproduce, store and use the content of this website for personal, informational and non-commercial purposes only. Any material used from this website must have the source and copyright status of the material acknowledged.

Except as stated in the above, no portion of the content of this website, including text, graphics, photos and the Council logo, may be copied or used without the permission of the Council.

Find more information on the Waikato District Council logo guidelines, contact us.

The Council is not affiliated with any person whose goods or services are linked to or from the website or any linked site. The Council does not sponsor, endorse or approve of any of those goods or services. The Council cannot guarantee that external sites are accurate or that they will operate correctly.

Privacy is important to  Waikato District Council, please refer to Waikato District Council’s Privacy Policy which sets out how Waikato District Council collects, uses, discloses and protects your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.

This policy sets out the kind of personal information Council collects, when and how this is collected, how your personal information is used, shared, kept secure, how long your personal information is held for, how you can access and correct your personal information and who you can contact for further information.

Read our full Privacy Policy

All enquiries about or formal requests for information in relation to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, or the Privacy Act 2020 should be made in writing to:

Waikato District Council
Private Bag 544
Ngaaruawaahia 3742

Submit an official information request

Our customer portal enables customers to have an improved experience when applying and requesting information from council.

View the full Customer Portal terms of use

Waikato Council’s social media channels are here to inform our community of the business of Council, keep you updated on decisions making and provide general information on Council activities that may impact on your daily life.

We encourage constructive criticism and discussion on all our social media channels. We ask that you remain polite and respectful with your comments and views.

Waikato District Council reserves the right to hide posts and comments, delete or ban users for comments, messages, images or links that contain:

  • offensive language;
  • personal attacks or discrimination of any kind;
  • spam, including repeated posts/messages or marketing content;
  • conduct or encouragement of illegal activity; 
  • misinformation;
  • deformation;
  • breaches of privacy
  • any other material we deem to be inappropriate.

Competitions and giveaways

Any competition or giveaway run through Waikato District Council's social media platforms will have its own set of guidelines and rules, which will be made available to everyone on this webpage.

In the interests of making our decision-making process transparent and accessible, public Council meetings are broadcast live online and then made available on our website.

You will know which meetings are being filmed as there will be a sign clearly stating this before you enter into the meeting room.

Most of the filming will cover elected members as they speak and debate at the meeting. However, the filming may also include shots of the public in the background and of anyone speaking at a public forum. 

The footage will be publicly available and can be accessed from our website.​

Last updated 4 March 2025, 04:26 pm

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