ALERT Ngaaruawaahia library is closed until Thursday 27 March due to maintenance.
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Download Antenno

You can use the Antenno app to tell us about things that need our attention, like potholes, graffiti or broken streetlights.

Simply open the app, select 'Report it' and follow the on-screen prompts. Just hit send and let our team take care of the rest.

You can even provide us with photos if you want to.

Note: At this stage, we will not send notifications about our services through the Antenno app. To stay up to date with what’s happening, follow our Facebook page, check out  the news section on our website, or sign up to receive our fortnightly newsletter.

For any urgent matters please phone our Customer Services Team on 0800 492 452.


Install Antenno - it's easy to use and it’s free!

Download the app from the App Store or Google Play now and save your favourite places.

Register your location. If you are in the Waikato district, you will see the categories we have available. 

Apple Store icon

Google Play store icon


Antenno support

For assistance and support regarding the mobile app, please contact the Antenno team on




No. Antenno is totally free to download and use. There are no ads either. The cost is covered by the councils that use Antenno.

No. Antenno does not require you to log in or provide any personal details. All you have to do to start using Antenno is enter the addresses of places you're interested in.

No. There is no location tracking.

The only time the app will use your location is when you access the report function to tell us about something that needs attention in your neighbourhood.

You will also need to enter the addresses of the places you want to receive notifications about.

Please note that at this stage Waikato District Council will not send notifications or alerts about our services. 

Another benefit of the app is that you don't need to know which council is responsible for a particular place, or type of issue. Antenno will direct the request to the relevant Council based on the location of the issue. 

At this stage, Waikato District Council will not send notifications about our services. (alerts from us to you).

We are using it for reports – from you to us. The purpose is to make it easier for you to tell us about issues or things that need our attention. 

Download the Antenno app

Use the Antenno app to tell us about things that need our attention, like potholes, graffiti, or broken streetlights.

More about Antenno
