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When is a building consent required?

Awhea ka hiahia he pepa whare whakaae

The building consents process gives us a chance to work together with you, providing advice on what you need to know and do, to achieve your goals within the regulatory requirements of the Building Act 2004, as well as the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), and our District Plan

You WILL need to apply for a building consent if your project involves:

  • Construction and demolition
  • Alteration of buildings
  • Conversion of buildings
  • Site works
  • Swimming pools
  • Fences
  • Signs
  • Plumbing
  • Drainage
  • Solid fuel heaters
  • Solar Heaters.

(If you have a pool and aren't sure if you are on our Pool Register, contact us on 0800 492 452 or email

When carrying out these activities, you need to be aware of how your building project may affect services and facilities such as water, wastewater, stormwater and other infrastructure and engineering standards. 

There are some instances where you DO NOT need a building consent.

To find you more have a look through the Building (Exempt Building Work) Order 2020 or contact us on 0800 492 452 or 07 824 8633 and ask to speak with a member of our Building Team.

You may not need a building consent but there are still rules you will need to follow.

You will still need to comply with the rules in the Waikato District Plan. If it doesn’t meet one of the rules in the District Plan, you will need to apply for a resource consent.

Here are some things you should check:

  • Setback, coverage, daylighting rules:
    • Is your new structure too close to the boundary?
    • Does your land size allow an additional building?
    • Does it comply with height to boundary rules? These rules take into account shading caused by buildings.

You can get this information in our District Plan or by speaking to a duty planner.

Our staff can provide advice and explain what you’ll need to do to meet compliance and whether you will need a resource consent.

For more information visit

If you are unsure if you need to apply for a building consent, please contact our Building Quality team on 0800 492 452 or email

Note, in addition to building consent requirements there may also be resource consent requirements. Find out how to apply for resource consents.

Last updated 28 June 2021, 12:22 pm

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