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The council costs of a processing a resource consent or building consent will vary depending on what you've applied for and how complex your application and its assessment might be. Processes can involve a combination of fixed fees, hourly rates, and development contributions. For building consents it also depends on the overall value of the works. There are also costs for any inspections that are required to ensure compliance with consents. Subdivisions in particular have ongoing costs relating to post-approvals. 

Ensuring you supply the complete information and documentation required with your consent application is one area where your efforts can keep time and costs down at the processing end.

You may be required to pay a development contribution to the council when developing or requiring new services for a property. The Waikato district is experiencing rapid growth in some areas and this growth can only be sustained if those prompting the growth contribute to the cost of new or expanded infrastructure that supports that growth.

See our fees and charges schedule and Development Contributions Policy which will help you get a general idea of likely costs (bearing in mind the factors noted above).

The Waikato Building Consent Group website also has a summary of the components included in building consent fees and charges and also links to fees and charges information in relation to all seven councils within the group.

Last updated 7 February 2019, 07:22 am

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