If you are thinking of buying a property then you may need our help gaining information about the property. Below are some of the things we can help you with.
Online search for information from a property file.
We have information available about each property in our district. Find out what information we can provide and how to request this information.
A Land Information Memorandum (LIM) is a summary of information we hold about a property. Find out more about LIMs and how to order one.
A HAIL ('Hazardous Activities and Industries List') report can tell you whether Council records contain any information on existing or potential contamination on a property. Find out more including how to apply.
A Record of Title (formerly known as Certificate of Title) allows you to check a property for any restrictions or allowances that may supersede the normal zone rules. Find out more including how to apply.
Unserviced land refers to areas that have been subdivided into individual sections, each with their own title, but without access to essential infrastructure, such as water services, electricity or telecommunications
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Last updated 7 February 2019, 07:21 am
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