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What you need to know
What we consider
How to apply

There are very specific steps you'll need to go through to apply for a temporary road closure for a motor sport event. The details below are designed to assist you with planning and running a motor sport event within the Waikato District. 

The NZ Transport Agency manages state highways in our district. See their website for details on temporary road closures and closure requests in relation to a state highway. 

What you need to know

If you're planning on holding a motor sport event which will require a road closure, you'll need to apply to us for approval first. Your application form must be submitted to and approved by Council at least 12 weeks before the event is to be held. See how to apply below.

You'll also need let adjoining residents, property owners and other affected parties know about the proposed road closure - do this in writing at the time you put your application for approval into Council. That way they'll have a chance to make submission on it before it's approved and advertised to the general public.

Check out our Road Closure for Motor Sport Events Policy.

What we consider

In assessing your application in relation to motor sports events, we consider the following points.

  • How the road closure might affect other roads nearby.
  • Any likely impact on nearby road maintenance works.
  • Any likely damage that might occur to the closed road and/or nearby roads as a result of your event.
  • The availability of alternative routes for motorists.
  • The potential impact of any road closure and/or detours on adjoining landowners.
  • Timeframes around local farming activities for example: lambing, calving, and duck shooting.
  • The frequency of motor sport events or car rallies in a given area. (Ideally, no more than one event per calendar year on unsealed roads and two per calendar year on sealed roads).
  • Time of year. Motor sport events should be planned outside of July, August, September, to avoid the greater chance of hazardous driving conditions during this period. This means that road closures on unsealed roads will only be permitted between 1 October to 30 June of each year, except for significant rallies where an exception has been sought and approved by the Roading and Transportation Committee.

How to apply

Download the application for temporary road closure form.

For further information please see our Road Closure for Motor Sport Events Policy

If you need more help putting your application together, contact the Roading Openings Coordinator. Phone our freephone 0800 492 452 or email us.

Find out more about the traffic management plan (TMP) part of your application in road closures, corridor access and traffic management requests.

You'll also find a handy example of a TMP. It'll help to give you an idea of what types of information are generally required in these plans. You  may still need our assistance to ensure you've thought of everything for your motor sport application's TMP though - so don't hesitate to contact us (see details above) if you need more advice.


See the ‘network development and maintenance’ section ('motor rallies') in our fees and charges schedule.

Related documents


Information fliers

Last updated 29 June 2021, 09:06 am

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