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Roads and transport

Roading is an important part of the Waikato District Council’s services and is probably the Council's most visible service in the community, as virtually everyone in the district uses a road on a daily basis. We manage our local roads, while the NZ Transport Agency is responsible for managing state highways in our district.

Within the Waikato district there are a total of:

  • 2,482.28 kilometres of road - (1,886.62 kilometres are sealed, 595.66 kilometres are not)
  • 308.63 kilometres of footpaths
  • 195 bridges on local roads.

We also carry out regular traffic counts on key roads and inspect 41 private bridges on local roads and the Huntly footbridge, which provides pedestrian access over State Highway One within Huntly township.

The cost of all this activity is carefully managed and prioritised using a combination of ratepayer allocated funds and funding from the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). The Council's Roading Alliance is the key group responsible for achieving this.

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