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Join our library today

Membership is available and free to those who live within the Waikato. To join, please complete our online form.

Join now

After joining online you will receive an email with your temporary membership details and information about the next steps in the process.

The registration process is different for physical and digital memberships. 

Physical Membership: Proof of ID and Physical Address is required. E.g. Driving license, Passport, I.D card, Bank card. Please post or email this to your chosen library, or bring this in to any of our libraries.

Digital membership: There are no ID requirements. If you would like to change to a physical membership at any point, just send or email your proof of ID and Physical address to your chosen library.

Once your registration (physical or digital) has been processed by our team, your card will arrive in the mail.  

Group memberships for non-profit organisations (including schools and daycares) are available. Please complete the online registration form (link above) and when you visit your local library state that it is for a Group membership. Staff will advise you of the extra requirements needed.

Once you are a library member you will be able to view and make the following changes to your account online:

  • Change your login pin
  • See activity on your card
  • Place holds or modify/suspend holds
  • Access fines/billing information
  • Check payment history
  • Create a personal list of titles.

Lost or stolen library cards must be reported to any of our libraries as soon as possible and will be replaced for a $3 fee. There is no fee if a police reference number is supplied. Valid ID must be sighted by staff for us to issue you with a new library card.

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Last updated 17 September 2024, 01:34 pm

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