Search for information from a property file online!
The information contained in an online property file may not represent all the information we hold for a property. Not all property files are online yet, we are currently focused on documents pre-2009.
Our online property files can include:
- Issued building consents
- Building permits
- Approved plans
- Approved reports
- Approved specifications
- Approved product and material specifications
- Code Compliance Certificate (CCC)
- Approved Certificate of Acceptance (COA)
- Resource consent decision.
Read through the terms and conditions before continuing through to the property search tool. Give it a go!
Give us your feedback! This is a new tool so we would appreciate any feedback you have about your experience. We recognise some of our data may be incorrect and would appreciate if you could let us know if you come across anything that is wrong.
If you can't find what you are looking for you will need to order the property files. Please be aware that this may incur a fee.
A property file is not a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) and should not be used as one. If you are considering purchasing a property we recommend you
apply for a LIM. Please read the terms and conditions.
Thanks for your feedback!
Last updated 10 May 2023, 01:32 pm