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Order a Land Information Memorandum (LIM)

Tono he Tuhinga Paarongo Whenua

A Land Information Memorandum (LIM) is a summary of information we hold about a property. This information could include some of all of the items listed below:

  • Special land features and potential hazards (such as erosion or subsidence).
  • District Plan information (such as zoning or heritage listings).
  • Consents, certificates, notices, orders or requisitions affecting the land or buildings and rates information (such as current rating valuation and arrears). (Note that for resource consents and building consents currently being processed, basic info only can be supplied: full details will not be available until the consent has gone through the complete process).
  • Water and waste services (such as plans).

LIMs do not usually include the following information:

  • Information in relation to state highways. Please contact your local NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) office for this information.
  • Plans for and activities related to any parks and reserves in the vicinity of the property.
  • Network utilities - electricity and gas and telephone connections. Information may be obtained from the relevant utility companies.
  • Any decisions related to adjacent properties.

How to order a LIM report

Apply online

Or email us directly at and we will send out an application form to you.

If you have any further queries about applying for a LIM report, call us on our freephone 0800 492 452 and ask to speak to the LIMs team.

Note: if you are providing a record of title to us, it will need to have been obtained less than two months ago.

Validity of your LIM

Only a current LIM is valid for the purposes of a Sale and Purchase Agreement. A LIM report does not include a physical inspection of the property. You should always compare the information on the LIM with what is on the property as the Council may not have been notified of something concerning the property. There is no guarantee that the information about a property (especially old information) exists. A LIM should not be confused with a Project Information Memorandum (PIM) report which has a different use and purpose.

Cost and timeframes

We are required to provide a LIM within 10 working days once a request has been received.

Electronic Standard LIM (10 Working Days) $350.00
Electronic Urgent LIM (5 Working Days)
Note: Council is unable to provide urgent LIMs for Commercial and Industrial Activities.
Electronic Commercial/Industrial Activity LIM (10 Working Days) $595.00
Courier Fee $9.50
Record of Title and ordering documents through Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) $60.00
Cancellation Fee $60.00

If you are unsure what zone the property is in, use our Maps Online tool to find out.

For full details, see our fees and charges schedule.

Last updated 17 February 2025, 08:23 am

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