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Food and host responsibility

Te takohanga mo ngaa kai me te kaimanaaki

Part of holding a liquor licence means you must be a responsible host. This includes making sure there is a minimum standard of food available to your patrons to purchase and there are measures in place to help them find safe alternative transport home.

Alternative transport

It is a condition of on, club and special licences to provide information relating to alternative transport provisions from the premises.

This may include measures such as provision of a:

  • Telephone
  • Taxi or Dial a Driver numbers
  • Courtesy vehicle etc.

Providing food and host responsibility

There are conditions in all on and club licenses that relate to supply of food and good host responsibility.

As eating before or while drinking is a major factor in reducing levels of intoxication, food must be readily and conveniently available whenever a premises is open and there is liquor for sale.

The range and style of food must be similar to that shown on the menu submitted with a liquor licence application.

Minimum standard of food

Premises that do not have full café/restaurant style facilities must have a reasonable range of food types available with a minimum of at least four varieties of food available such as:

  • Pies
  • Pizza
  • Sandwiches
  • Toasties and wedges

It is acceptable to have a menu from a neighbouring premises to provide for one or two of these options, however there must be a back up option that can be produced on site.

A minimum standard on site would be a microwave or fryer and utensils and a supply of a variety of 'long life' meals that do not require temperature control.

There must be an area for preparation of food and utensils for service of the food.

Advertise there is food available

Menus must be visibly advertised and food should be actively promoted in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Having menus on the tables
  • On a menu board
  • Having food on display

Food must be advertised in any outdoor areas and bar staff should actively promote the range of food options available.

Preparation and sale of food must be undertaken in registered food premises. Please contact an Environmental Health Officer to discuss requirements for selling food. 

Last updated 16 January 2019, 01:41 pm

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