Prior to food being manufactured, prepared or sold to the public a business must be registered. In this section you will find all the information you need to ensure your food business is meeting all Council requirements.
Starting a food business can be quite daunting. This section will help you understand what you need to do before you open and how to apply for food registration.
If you take over an existing food business, you will need to apply for a new food control plan or a new national programme.
You will need to complete a renewal application form before your food premises registration expires.
Starting a mobile food business or food truck? Find out what you need to do before you hit the road.
If you are selling food it must be safe and suitable to eat. In this section will find information about what is required when selling food at markets, events and for fundraising.
If you believe a food business is not meeting the standards outlined in the food act, including cleanliness and hygiene please get in touch.
If you register a Food Control Plan or National Programmes you will receive regular inspections. Find out more about these inspections.
Learn more about Food Act 2014 and the requirements for food businesses.
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Last updated 6 November 2024, 11:19 am
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