Our general approach when setting the fees is to presume that all owners are classified as ‘approved’ unless breaches to the classification are made within a 12-month period. If you are unsure what owner classification you have please phone
0800 492 452.
The Waikato District Council classifies dog owners according to the following criteria:
Approved owner
Approved dog owners receive a discount of your registration fee.
The approved owner classification applies to all new dog owners who have not previously owned a dog, or current owners who have not been subject to any of the following offences:
- impounded dog
- registered complaint
- prosecution
- infringement fine
- non-notification of changes to ownership details
- repeated non-payment of registration fee.
A dog owner moving to the district will be given consideration for the approved owner classification if proven evidence of previous history relating to the above criteria is presented.
Any owner who breaches two or more of the above criteria within a 12-month period will lead to immediate cancellation of the approved owner classification and will be reverted to the general owner classification for a period of two years.
To requalify for the approved owner classification the owner must remain offence-free for two consecutive years.
Selected owner
Selected dog owners receive a discount of your registration fee.
The selected owner classification applies to a dog owner who lives on a property that is less than 20 hectares and complies with the following conditions:
- currently meets the approved owner classification
- meets the minimum standards for accommodation of dogs (as set out in the Code of Animal Welfare) provides a fully fenced dog-proof section or area of the premises, appropriate for the size of the dog/s kept. A property inspection is required to meet
this criteria.
Any breach of these conditions will lead to the immediate cancellation of the selected owner classification.
Note: Property inspections, which are required to meet these conditions, cost $20.
Farm owner
Farm owners receive a discount on their registration fee.
The farm owner classification applies to a rural dog owner who lives on and farms a property of 20 hectares or more, and who:
- meets the approved owner classification for a minimum of two years
- meets the minimum standards for accommodation of dogs (as set out in the Code of Animal Welfare). A property inspection is required to meet this criteria
- ensures that all home killing and the disposal and or treatment of offal and trimmings, including the heads of sheep and goats, are carried out in an approved dog-proof enclosure or killing facility
- does not fed or allow the dog/s access to any raw offal or untreated sheep or goat meat
- will undertake voluntarily treatment for hydatids and sheep measles as part the regular dog worming programme with the local veterinarian.
Any breach of these conditions will lead to the immediate cancellation of the farm owner classification.
Note: Property inspections, which are required to meet these conditions, cost $65.
General owner
A general owner has generally breached one or more of the offences listed under the approved owner classification and is recognised as follows:
- cannot supply evidence of a dog previously registered or has kept unregistered dog under another local authority
- has had a dog impounded
- has been the subject of a registered complaint
- has been prosecuted for a dog offence
- has received an infringement fine.
- To qualify for approved owner classification the owner must remain offence-free for two consecutive years.