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Waikato District Council launches online search for property files

Waikato District Council has launched a new online search that allows users to access certain public property files.

The search, which replaces a previously manual process that cost both customers and staff time and money, allows customers to self-search for a number of property documents.

“The previous process came at not just a monetary cost to our customers, but a time cost to our staff too,” says Council Land Information Officer Bethney Waters.

“Where previously a staff member would have to search for the property files on the customers behalf, the new search allows customers to self-serve that information.”

Prior to launch, Council staff had to digitise tens of thousands of records to ensure they were accessible via the search function.

“We recognised that time and cost were creating a barrier for our customers some time ago,” adds Waters.

“We hope that the search tool will help to alleviate some of these barriers to allow our customers to access the information that they are after with ease.”

Files available through the tool include issued building consents, building permits, approved plans, code of compliance certificates, resource consents and plans, all available 24/7 on any device, any time to best suit customer needs.

A full list of documents available via the search can be found via our website.

Not all property files are online yet as Council staff continue to digitise files to expand on the information available via the search. If residents can’t find what they are looking for via the search we’re asking them to please order the property files.  Fees and charges for ordering property files can be viewed on our website.

The information contained in a property file may not represent all the information we hold for a property. A property file is NOT a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) and should not be used as one. If you are considering purchasing a property, we recommend you apply for a LIM.

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