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What are we doing about it?

We need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and take action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.  

Mitigation and Adaptation are often discussed when we talk about climate change; mitigation means making the impacts of climate change less severe by reducing emissions, and adaptation is the process of adjusting to the current and future effects of climate change.  

We are developing a Climate Change Risk Assessment framework for Waikato District, to help us understand the impacts of climate-related risks specific to our district and communities. The intention of this assessment in the future will assist decision makers to prioritise and be better informed about climate adaptation planning, identifying future needs, resources and impacts and areas of vulnerability for our communities and infrastructure.

What is Waikato District Council doing to address Climate Change? 

  • In 2015, Mayors and Chairs of New Zealand declared an urgent need for responsive leadership and a holistic approach to climate change and taking action. 
  • We are planning adaptation and mitigation to build resilience around climate change. 
  • Our Climate Response & Resilience Policy, Climate Action Plan and associated programmes are delivered by our Climate Action team. 
  • We carry out an annual stocktake of our operational greenhouse gas emissions and are setting targets and programmes for reduction. 
  • We have created a Climate Response & Resilience Strategy and roadmap with goals and projects to help us reach our targets. 
  • We aim to conduct a Climate Risk Assessment for the district. 
  • We are mapping our work and priorities and getting our house in order relating to climate action and want to help you on the journey. 
  • We have created a Climate Response & Resilience Strategy and roadmap with goals and projects to help us reach our targets.
  • We have more than more than 30 ecological enhancement sites across the district.

We also provide objectives, policies and rules that protect our environment through the District Plan and we also:

  • Liaise with Waikato Regional Council
  • Provide wastewater collection and disposal services in all our towns
  • Promote sustainable stormwater management on new developments
  • Monitor and control water usage over the summer period
  • Issue resource and subdivision consents with conditions to protect the environment
  • Monitor resource consents to check conditions are being complied with
  • Follow up complaints about potentially unconsented activities (or refer complainants to Waikato Regional Council if appropriate)
  • Provide recycling/refuse transfer stations in Huntly, Raglan, Tuakau and Te Kauwhata
  • Provide rubbish collection services in most parts of the district including domestic rubbish collections; domestic recycling collections; and annual inorganic waste collections
  • Provide free disposal of domestic quantities of hazardous waste at refuse stations
  • Encourage our staff to recycle and make our offices more sustainable.

Greenhouse gas report

Council operations emissions

Waikato District Council greenhouse gas (or Co2e) annual report is an overview of emissions generated by the council’s operational activities.
WDC GHG Emmissions FY22

District emissions

District emissions are assessed triennially: the 2023 report shows an estimated decrease of 8.2%. 
Waikato district emissions represent approximately 19% of Waikato Region total gross emissions. Agriculture and energy are the two highest sources. 

Last updated 25 November 2024, 12:43 pm

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