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Proposed Waikato District Plan - Appeals

Appeals and s274 parties are now closed.


Proposed Waikato District Plan Appeals

Aarts - Gerardus Aarts and Yvonne Aarts - 000041
Anna Noakes - 000078
Barnes - 000046
Bathurst Resources Limited and BT Mining Ltd - 000047
Bettley Stamef Partnership - 000018
Blue Wallace Surveyors Ltd - 000032, 000045, 000094
Bowrock Properties Limited - 000028
Buckland Country Living Landowners Group - 000049
CDL Land New Zealand Ltd - 000050
Chorus Spark and Vodafone - 000019
Choudhary - 000039
CSL Trust - 000058
Diamond Creek Farm Limited - 000026
Director General of Conservation - 000036
Federated Farmers - 000051
First Gas Ltd - 000067
Fleming and Jelaca - 000068
Fonterra - 000042
Genesis Energy Limited - 000060
Greig Holdings Limited - 000070
Hamilton City Council - 000079
Hampton Downs - 000037
Havelock Village Ltd - 000072
Hopkins - 000090
Horongarara Point Group - 000065
Horticulture New Zealand - 000043
Hounsell Holdings Ltd - 000077
Hughes Developments Limited - 000071
Hynds Pipe Systems Limited and the Hynds Foundation - 000087
Howarth - 000027
John Rowe - 000064
Khushwin Limited - 000038
Kirriemuir Trustee Ltd - 000088
KiwiRail Holdings Limited - 000044
Koning Trust and M Koning - 000034
Lakeside Development 2017 Limited - 000052
Mercer Airport - 000061
Meridian Energy Limited - 000063
Metcalfe - 000029
Middlemiss Farm Holdings Limited - 000055
Mowbray Group - 000076
N and L Porritt - 000031
Neale Russell Limited - 000061
NZTE Operations Ltd - 000085
Perjuli Developments Limited - 000053
Pokeno West and West Pokeno Limited - 000083
Ports of Auckland Limited - 000066
Raglan Collective - 000040
Rangitahi Ltd - 000069
Rudy van Dam - 000057
S and K Quigley and The Quigley Family Trust - 000024
ST. Isadore Company Limited - 000080
Stead - 000082
Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Incorporated - 000033
The Surveying Company Limited - 000086
Top End Properties Limited - 000059
Transpower - 000074
Tuakau Proteins Ltd - 000056
Upton - 000030
Van Den Brink - 000083
W Hodgson - 00005
Waikato Regional Airport Limited - 000075
Waikato Regional Council - 000073
Waka Kotahi - 000048
Ward Group - 000025
Wel Networks Limited - 000081


Section 274 Parties

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