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A structure plan for Tuakau has been prepared following input from local residents, iwi and key stakeholders. This plan sets out the broad layout of appropriate land uses, key infrastructure and transport links and provides a 30 year planning framework for the future growth of Tuakau.

The next step is for Council to develop a statutory plan change under the RMA. The plan change will be publicly notified in due course, and interested and affected parties will have the opportunity to have further input through the submission process.

Note: Because there are two active plans (Operative Waikato District Plan & Proposed Waikato District Plan – Appeals Version) these Plans and Design Guidelines may still be required for use under the Operative Waikato District Plan. This depends on whether there are any appeals on the relevant provisions in the Proposed Waikato District Plan (appeals version). If you require further clarity around this, please contact

Tuakau Technical reports

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