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Woodlands Estate Historic Reserve Management Plan

On 14 December 2020 Waikato District Council adopted the Woodlands Estate Historic Reserve Management Plan.

Reserve management plans provide direction for the future development, management and use of reserves. Determining community and environmental protection preferences and establishing the best means to provide for them are essential ingredients of good management planning. A management plan provides the community with certainty about the function and management of each reserve that is managed by Council. It also helps ensure that management decisions are consistent with the principles of the Reserves Act 1977.

This reserve management plan outlines the Waikato District Council (Councils) and community vision for Woodlands Estate Historic Reserve (Woodlands). The plan collates ideas and feedback from community consultation and professional landscape analysis to address issues and opportunities for the reserve. This historical reserve provides recreation and leisure opportunities for local residents and visitors, and is highly valued for its early European heritage and landscape features.

Woodlands, located at 42 Whitikahu Road, Gordonton, includes a historic homestead and gardens located in a rural setting. This is the second reserve management plan prepared for Woodlands with the first plan being adopted in 1991.

The plan was made with our key partners and stakeholders:

Key Partners:

Waikato District Council

Gordonton Woodlands Trust Board

Ngaati Wairere – Hukanui Marae

Key Stakeholders:

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

New Zealand Gardens Trust


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