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The following aspects are covered under this theme in the Waikato District Blueprints.

The Joint Management Agreement

It is proposed the JMA be used more effectively. The following should be considered in this regard:

  • The JMA should be the umbrella accord, Council processes should be put through a JMA lens
  • Newly developed processes that are relevant need to be included as part of the JMA
  • Iwi and haapu management plans have to be recognised by Council under legislation, this could also be brought into the JMA
  • Regard should be given to adjacent iwi, including Maniapoto, Hauraki Collective etc
  • Some Waikato Tainui, who are part of Te Whakakitenga, are outside the Waikato district.

Engagement and relationship building

It is proposed that a strategy be formed to build engagement relationships with haapu and to strengthen awareness of Council processes and practices within haapu. The following should be considered:

  • Deal with the right people when undertaking Council processes e.g. ensure greater awareness of the iwi structure and the importance of haapu
  • Identify and build a relationship with a mandated representative or representatives from iwi who are able to speak on behalf of iwi and who would be able to talk about a document with authority if it were to be tabled at an iwi hui
  • Reimburse each representative for their knowledge and time
  • Consider bringing back He Paanui (a Council newsletter). Discuss with iwi the issues that might be important to them that they want to be kept up to date with
  • Give support or recognition to the plans of manawhenua, for example, if they have management plans
  • Consider setting up a reference group made up of manawhenua and marae representatives
  • Build iwi/haapu te aranga principles into Council projects, designs and consultation processes.

Increasing the use of Te Reo

It is proposed that the use of Te Reo be increased. To this end a strategy is needed. The following should be considered:

  • The Council’s Te Reo policy and Bilingual Signage policy are both relatively up to date
  • Implementation of this policy in corporate documents and on the website in terms of headings has started, but is only in limited areas
  • The Council Te Reo policy needs to be socialised again and more deeply with Councillors, because to implement Te Reo also requires more cultural practices being adopted from the highest level
  • Te Reo policy also requires a budget for its implementation e.g. changes to website, rebuilding and translation budget for corporate documents
  • The policy needs refinement and more decisions around use of ‘aa’ for well-known place names
  • Internally (for Council staff) workshops related to personal mihi, waiata, general protocol for visiting marae, having hui etc could be of assistance.

New staff positions

It is proposed that the above propositions be supported by the creation of new staff positions. The following should be considered:

  • The appointment of a Maaori Partnership Manager is pending. This Pohono Iwi kit e Haapori sits with the Chief Executive group in Council’s new staffing structure, which will, appropriately, facilitate a ‘chief to chief’ relationship
  • Council also needs an operational team member as there are 40 marae to engage with in this space.

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