There are three small water schemes: Te Aakau, Port Waikato and Onewhero (as displayed below) under the ownership and management of Council. All three schemes will not be compliant with the draft Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand (DWSNZ) being formalised by Taumata Arowai currently.

All three schemes are closed schemes and do not allow additional connections. Therefore, no capacity upgrades are planned now or in the future.
All three schemes require upgrading to meet the DWSNZ or one of the Taumata Arowai “acceptable solutions”.
Investigations into the options to upgrade each of these schemes to meet DWSNZ is underway along with considerations to changeover to individual household level private water supply systems.
Te Aakau scheme
Te Aakau is a small village on the northern side of the Raglan Harbour (Whaaingaroa), across from Raglan itself. The water system supplies 26 properties.
Te Aakau bore is out of commission due to failure of the bore lining. Treated water is currently transported from Raglan by tanker and delivered to the Te Aakau Reservoir for distribution to Te Aakau residents. Options for relining or replacing the bore are currently under review.

We are in regular communication with the Horongarara Community Group (Te Aakau South) and we plan to continue this engagement with the community and iwi/Hapuu to investigate future treatment and supply options.