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Prepare permitted boundary activity

If your proposal is a boundary activity you may qualify to apply for a Permitted Boundary Activity. This is a faster and cheaper process then a resource consent.

When you can apply

In order to qualify for a Permitted Boundary Activity you will need to demonstrate that you have one or more infringement/s of only boundary rules and you have the written approval of the neighbour/s of the infringed boundary/boundaries.

When you can’t apply

If any part of the application is for a boundary activity and you cannot get written approval from the neighbouring owners you will need to apply for a standard resource consent (land use).

Also you cannot apply if you are building close to a public boundary. A public boundary includes a boundary with any of the following:

  • a public road or walkway
  • a public open space
  • a stream, river, or lake
  • the coast
  • an esplanade reserve or strip
  • any other reserve
  • any land owned by council or the crown (e.g. public schools).

More information

Last updated 13 September 2021, 03:29 pm

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