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The six key next steps after your subdivision has been granted consented are set out in detail below.

A pre-start meeting is a voluntary meeting with us made at your request to look at the conditions of your subdivision resource consent. This is an initial opportunity to discuss the next steps of subdivision, including what is required to complete s223 and s224(c) the conditions of your consent.

Request a pre-start meeting via email or call us on our freephone 0800 492 452 and ask to speak to the Consents Administrator.

Complete any design plans for your subdivision (if applicable) including design plans for roads, vehicle crossings, stormwater, wastewater and water infrastructure. Once your design plans are ready, you can email them to us for approval at with the subdivision reference, the conditions of your subdivision consent that the plans relate to and the lodgement fee of $1,100.00. A final invoice for the approval of your plans will be sent to you at the time of the approval of your plans.

In your email, let us know who we should contact should we need more information. Once we have everything we need, we'll assess your design plans and then notify you when they've been approved.

When you're ready to lodge your s223 application, you will need to request your surveyor to electronically submit your survey plan in Land Information NZ's Landonline. Your surveyor will also need to request for us to certify the plan in Landonline.

Once we've received everything we need for your s223 application, we'll check it and issue the certificate within 10 working days, as long as the survey plan matches the consented plan.

At this stage, your rapid number (if applicable) will be assigned but not released to you.

We strongly recommend that you arrange to hold a pre-construction meeting on site before work gets underway. You and your engineers, contractors, planners and other representatives involved with the project should all be at this meeting along with our relevant staff.

The pre-construction meeting also provides an opportunity to meet our staff that you'll be working with during construction. You'll need to show that you have all the required permits, related consents and approved construction plans in place ready for construction to start.

Holding a pre-construction meeting will also help to minimise any potential issues that might come up and it will identify upfront any crucial stages along the way where you'll need to have our staff on site. Another important aim of the meeting is to identify and avoid any adverse impacts your construction activities might have on existing Council assets, services and infrastructure (such as pipes and roading).

Please email us at or call us on our freephone 0800 492 452 (ask to speak to the team leader land development engineer) to either:

  • request a pre-construction meeting
  • advise us you do not want to arrange one and just want to notify us of your intention to start works and when.

This step is generally the most time-consuming stage, as construction works are weather-dependent and it may take time for inspections or particular tasks to be carried out. We'll do our best to help you to achieve your expected timeframes, so please talk to us about the requirements of the construction stage (freephone 0800 492 452).

Most subdivisions require physical works to be completed (for example, road construction and vehicle entrance crossings). We will carry out hold point inspections during the construction stage for assets that will vest to Council and at the request of the Developer’s representative to ensure you are complying with your approved design plans or relevant engineering standards and consent conditions.

To request an inspection please contact The subdivisions team at, who will put you in touch with the Land Development Engineer looking after your subdivision project.

You may need to request clearance for works that are not directly related to construction works. This may include physical works. For example, these could include works required for the protection of covenant areas; for water connections; vesting of reserves and approval of management plans. During this step, you may also request legal documentation (such as consent notices) to be prepared ready for registration on the new titles, once issued.

S224 Clearance – Final Inspections and sign off of conditions

When you make your request for final clearance to be undertaken, we will work out what development contributions are payable for your subdivision and send you a letter. Final inspections will be carried out of all completed physical works, each condition will be signed off. QA documentation must be included as required by the Regional Infrastructure Technical specifications. Including the following:

  • Producer statements
  • As built plans
  • Completion Certificate
  • Any other relevant documentation

Once compliance has been achieved for all of your conditions of consent, we will issue a final invoice for all costs incurred for your subdivision and development contributions and any other relevant fees. All fees and contributions must be paid prior issuing the s224(c) certificate.

First, visit your surveyor when you are ready to make your application for s224(c) and before you start preparing your application. Once we've received everything we need for your 224(c) application, we'll issue the certificate within 5 working days as long as all the conditions of your approved consent have been satisfied and all costs paid.

After you have received your s223 certificate, you can start planning your subdivision's construction, using the steps outlined in Step 4 above.

After construction is finished and you have received your s224(c) certificate as outlined in Step 5 and Step 6 above, you will still need your solicitor to get your titles issued from Land Information New Zealand.

Last updated 1 July 2024, 01:25 am

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