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Joint Hearing with Waikato Regional Council and Waikato District Council Hearing Committee 10am on Tuesday 6 December 2022.

Continuing through to Thursday 8 December 2022 inclusive, at the Huntly War Memorial Hall, Wight Street Huntly.

Consent order

Appeal on decision

Decision documents

Hearing’s Panel Directions

Council Expert Evidence

Applicants evidence

S42A Compiled WRC & WDC Planners Report

Waikato District Council and Waikato Regional Council has received and publicly notified in the TK Chatter and Waikato Times on Wednesday 20th July 2022 a resource consent application by Gleeson Managed Fill Limited.


Gleeson Managed Fill Limited have applied to Waikato District Council and Waikato Regional Council for resource consents to establish and operate a managed fill disposal activity that imports material to deposit within identified gullies (Fill Areas 2-4) located north of an existing quarry within the same site. Up to 300,000m³ of fill is to be deposited per annum and combined the fill areas will have an estimated capacity of 2,009,200m³. The fill areas are proposed to accept overburden from the quarrying activities on the site; imported managed fill and cleanfill, including construction & demolition material which may include asbestos containing soil and material, peat, marine sediment, and acid sulphate soils.

The application is a Discretionary Activity under both the Operative Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section (ODP) and under the Proposed Waikato District Plan – Decisions Version (PWDP) - LUC0488/22.

The application is a Non-Complying Activity under both the Operative Waikato Regional Plan and the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater – APP144475.

The key elements of the proposal are as follows:

  • Hours of operation for fill operations are
    • 6:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Friday, and
    • 6:00am to 2:00pm Saturday
  • Hours of operation for truck movements to and from the entrance are
    • 5:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Friday (with earlier closure of 6pm 1 May to 30 September), and
    • 6:00am to 3:00pm Saturday
  • Clearance of vegetation and topsoil within fill areas and for infrastructure
  • Reclamation of existing ephemeral and intermitted watercourses and artificial wetland areas and installation of drainage and recommended erosion and sediment control measures; and
  • Construction (and maintenance) of sediment retention ponds at the base of each Fill Area with a water holding capacity of between 1300m³ and 1563m³ to retain and treat site runoff.
  • Restriction of exposed surfaces to a maximum of 3.0ha at any one time.
  • Stabilisation of each gully in accordance with geotechnical recommendations before opening the next Fill Area for operation, with site rehabilitation occurring with 6 months of each Fill Area being completed and stabilised.
  • Washing out of trucks within an identified and contained wash area located centrally to Fill Areas 2, 3, and 4 prior to trucks being loaded with aggregate from the operational quarry.
  • Construction of necessary supporting infrastructure such as site office, parking/turning areas and inspection platforms.
  • Formation and upgrades to existing internal access roads to provide stable and operational access to all Fill Areas.
  • Discharge of treated (clean) water from sedimentation ponds into ephemeral streams which eventually discharge to the Puketirini Lake to the north (Fill Area 2) or the Waikato River to the east (Fill Areas 3 and 4).
  • Generation of traffic movements associated with the importation of fill of up to 24 additional vehicle movements per day (over and above movements approved under the Gleeson Quarry land-use consent).
  • Staged ecological enhancement of a 3.9ha compensation gully west of the subject site.
  • Rehabilitation of the land on completion of each fill area with forestry, with natural overland flow paths formed to match the completed contours.”


The application includes the following technical assessments and reports:

  • Geotechnical Assessments
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and Reports
  • Contaminants Discharge and Waste Acceptance Reports
  • Air Quality Assessment
  • Ecological Reports
  • Archaeological Assessments
  • Landscape and Visual Assessment
  • Noise Assessment
  • Traffic Impact Assessment
  • Management Plans including a Site and Fill Management Plan

Please contact Julia Masters, Planner on behalf of Waikato District Council, telephone 07 824 8633, or call free 0800 492 452 email if you have any questions about the WDC application.

Please contact Emma Cowan at Waikato Regional Council, telephone 0800 800 402 or email if you have any questions about the WRC application.

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Last updated 9 July 2024, 03:51 pm

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