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Rural Ward Funding

Rural grants are available for events and projects in rural areas that are not served by Community Boards or Meremere and Te Kauwhata Community Committees.  

Note: applicants must be outside of the Community Boards, Meremere and Te Kauwhata Community Committees catchment areas.

Council’s Sustainability and Wellbeing Committee is responsible for allocating grants from the Rural Ward Fund.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be either a not-for-profit voluntary organisation OR a registered charitable trust, charitable entity, or incorporated society.

Please read the following guidelines for criteria for making an application to the Rural Ward Fund.

Discretionary grants are contestable and will be allocated in a manner consistent with the criteria.


The fund is open for 2025 .

Once the application is submitted online and processed for eligibility, it is added to the next available Sustainability and Wellbeing Committee meeting agenda. Special circumstances can be made if the online process is not able to be completed.

For any enquiries, please contact Lianne van den Bemd  

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