Huntly Scout Building Lease proposal
WDC is proposing to grant a lease to Friendship House Huntly Community Charitable Trust to operate an arts group from the Huntly Scout Building on Hakanoa Domain.
Leasing of Reserve Land - Huntly West Domain (Friendship House)
The proposed land is to allow for Friendship House Huntly Community Charitable Trust to build and operate a community hub for the Huntly West community
Connectivity Strategy
The Waikato District Connectivity Strategy is a key piece of work that will provide strategic direction for the development of trails over the next 5 years. Replacing the existing Trails Strategy 2016, the Connectivity Strategy will also provide direction for decision making, development and management of our trails including tasks such as investment.
Community Facilities Strategy Early Engagement
The Waikato District Community Facilities Strategy (CFS) is a key piece of work that will provide strategic direction for our community facilities over the next 20 years, between 2024 and 2044.
Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw
Council is proposing to make a new bylaw, under section 11 of the Freedom Camping Act 2011, to restrict or prohibit freedom camping in some areas in the Waikato District.
The Waikato District Blueprint work to achieve the overall vision established by Council for the district to create Liveable, Thriving and Connected Communities.
Proposed Community Outcomes
Have your say on Council's Community Outcomes
Proposed targeted rate for Tamahere Gully Network Restoration
This targeted rate is to help support the work the Tamahere Mangaone Restoration Trust is doing with the Tamahere Gully Network Restoration Project.
Earthquake Prone Buildings and High Pedestrian Traffic Areas
Consultation has closed and the high pedestrian areas for Ngaruawahia, Huntly and Te Kauwhata have been adopted.
Raglan Food Waste Collection
Waikato District Council adopted the targeted rate for the continuation of the food waste collection service from July 2022
Easter Trading Policy 2022
Waikato District Council adopted the Easter Trading Policy for 2022 on 28 February 2022.
Freedom Camping Early Engagement
Show us where you think Freedom Camping should be Prohibited, Restricted to self-contained only or Allowed for non-self-contained freedom campers.
Proposed Trade Waste and Wastewater Bylaw
Council are proposing changes to better protect public wastewater infrastructure and provide clearer information on connections and accountability for damages caused.
Managing our Reserves
With your help, we have reviewed our General Policies Reserve Management Plan. Let us know if we have gotten it right.
Ngaaruawaahia, Hopuhopu and Taupiri Structure Plan & Town Centre Plan
Work has begun on the review of the Ngaaruawaahia, Hopuhopu and Taupiri Structure Plan & the Ngaaruawaahia Town Centre Plan and we want to hear from you!
Local Alcohol Policy
We've reviewed our Local Alcohol Policy. Let us know your views on what we are proposing.
Draft Taiao (Nature) in the Waikato Strategy
Council has reviewed its Conservation and Esplanade Strategies and developed the Draft Taiao (Nature) in the Waikato Strategy and we want your feedback!
Choose your loos
We’re rolling out new loos in locations around the Waikato district and we want to hear from you.
Cemeteries Bylaw Early Engagement
We want to hear from you about what areas need improving in our Cemeteries Bylaw
Proposed Public Places Bylaw 2023
We are proposing changes to the Public Places Bylaw. Consultation is open from 27 February to 27 March. Have your say on how we use our public spaces!