Raglan Sports Park Feedback
Have your say on Raglans future sports park. We're looking at how we can meet Raglan's 2050 Sports Parks provisions and we want to know what a new park could look like.
Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan 2025-2031
Council is seeking your feedback and ideas to help us turn the tide on waste – together.
Long Term Plan 2025-34
Join the conversation and help shape the future of our district
Traffic Bylaw update - Northgate Business Park (Horotiu)
Waikato District Council is proposing to prohibit private light motor vehicles on some of the roads within the Northgate Industrial Park in Horotiu, between the hours of 9pm and 4am. This is intended to help minimise nuisance driving ('boy racing').
Share your views on potential changes to alcohol ban areas
Share your thoughts on potential new alcohol ban areas. Let us know where you would like Waikato District Council to ban alcohol consumption in public places.
Proposed Speed Management Plan
We are creating a Speed Management Plan to develop our short-term and long-term changes to speed management within the Waikato District.
How should we listen to you?
Let us know how you’d like Waikato District Council to engage with you on important decisions.
Long Term Plan engagement
Join the conversation and help shape the future of our district
2024/25 Fees and Charges Update
We are proposing some updates to the Fees and Charges schedule that was adopted earlier this year. Let us know what you think about them.
Classification of new cemetery - Tuakau
Waikato District Council are seeking feedback on the intention to reclassify 327B Whangarata Road as Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve.
Reclassification and Leasing of Pokeno Domain
Waikato District Council are seeking feedback on an intention to reclassify and lease part of the Pokeno Domain Reserve for the establishment on an urban marae.
Spaces and Places Feedback
We are seeking your feedback and ideas on community facilities, neighbourhood parks and sports parks across the Waikato District.
Proposed Keeping of Animals Bylaw
We are seeking your feedback on our proposed Keeping of Animals Bylaw. This Bylaw outlines rules for the keeping of animals within the Waikato district.
Proposed Road Closures for Motor Sport Events Policy
Waikato District Council is reviewing our Road Closures for Motor Sport Events Policy. Let us know what you think about what we are proposing
Gambling Venues Policy
Waikato District Council is reviewing our Gambling Venues Policy. Let us know what you think about what we are proposing.
2024/25 Annual Plan
Council is presenting an Annual Plan for the 2024/25 financial year.
Buckland Road playground
We are planning to develop a new neighbourhood playground with a footpath from Buckland Road to Booker Drive, Tuakau.
Keeping of Animals Bylaw - Early Engagement
We are seeking your feedback on animal nuisance issues to help shape our new Keeping of Animals Bylaw. This Bylaw outlines rules for the keeping of animals within the Waikato district and helps to ensure we can all live alongside each other in a safe and healthy way. This consultation will be open from 19 February to 31 March 2024.
Tamahere Reserve (Crawford's Quarry) proposed change of purpose
Council is proposing to reclassify Tamahere Reserve, from Local Reserve to Ecological Reserve, to better reflect the primary purpose.
Notified resource consent: Sanderson Group Limited
Waikato District Council has received the following applications from Sanderson Group Limited.