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Port Waikato

Port Waikato overview
Sun, surf and sand. Port Waikato is a seaside town 28 kilometres (km) west of Tuakau and 88km south of Auckland. It lies on the southern side of the Waikato River where the river meets the Tasman Sea. 

From the establishment of a store in 1893, the community now has a popular cafe, fire station, library, surf lifesaving club, yachting club, fishing club and a holiday camp.

Port Waikato’s population of around 800 (783 – Census 2018) increases significantly during the summer season, with visitors flocking to the surf beach and the river mouth… the latter is a great source of whitebait.

Waikato District Council in Port Waikato

The nearest office and library are located in Tuakau. 

Tuakau office
Phone: 0800 492 452
2 Dominion Rd, Tuakau 2121
Opening hours: 8.30am - 5pm
Find us on Google Maps

Tuakau library
Phone: 09 236 9823
72 George St, Tuakau 2121
Opening hours
Find us on Google Maps

More about Port Waikato and the Waikato district

    Getting to Port Waikato by bus involves using a combination of services provided by the Waikato Regional Council and Auckland Transport (AT).

    • See the BUSIT! website and use the ‘Hamilton - Te Kauwhata - Meremere - Pukekohe’ route to get to either Tuakau or Pukekohe. 
    • Then jump onto the AT's Port Waikato service at from either town - the Pukekohe/Port Waikato 'Loop' bus - (look for 'South' and 'Pukekohe' on their 'timetables' page).

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