Waikato District Council is operating under the COVID-19 Alert Level 2 guidelines, but is also preparing for any possible move in alert levels.
A report received by Waikato District Council’s Strategy and Finance Committee today clearly highlights the impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown on Waikato district businesses and the community.
The Hakarimata Summit Track, one of the Waikato’s most popular, has re-opened to the public.
A new Northern Emergency Operating Centre has been set up this week to provide a combined civil defence response as the country moves into Alert Level 2.
Moving to COVID-19 Alert Level 2 tomorrow allows for more freedoms and the opportunity to get out and about, however Waikato District Council and the Department of Conservation have made the decision to keep the Hakarimata Summit Track closed at this stage.
Waikato District Council community facilities will be open as soon as it is safe for our customers and staff to do so as we move into COVID-19 Alert Level 2.
Help has been provided to thousands of individuals and families across the north Waikato during COVID-19.
Waikato, we’ve been in Alert Level 3 for a week. Now is not the time to take our foot off the pedal.
A group of German tourists has thanked the Te Kauwhata community for the support they received while waiting for their flights out of New Zealand. They say they could not have chosen a better place for the lockdown.
With such great uncertainty during COVID-19, Waikato District Council is proud to be working in partnership with vital agencies in our communities to make sure they keep ticking over.
We’ve been at home in our bubbles for four weeks but it’s important to remember that while parts of the economy are opening up under COVID-19 Alert Level 3, that doesn’t mean our social lives can open up too.
The move to Alert Level 3 in New Zealand’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is a welcomed stepping stone on the way to beating COVID-19 but it’s far from the end of the journey.
It’s business as usual and perhaps ground breaking, as Waikato District Council continues to hold its Proposed Waikato District Plan hearings during New Zealand’s Level 4 lockdown.
Waikato mayors say local councils and their partners have “turned over every possible stone” in their bid to secure government money to help rebuild the Waikato economy following Covid-19.
Waikato District Council Chief Executive Gavin Ion has taken a 20% pay cut for the next six months.
With Term 2 starting tomorrow, a bunch of Raglan Area School students now have the tools to learn thanks to help from Waikato district Civil Defence staff.
After less than two weeks of operation, the Waikato Freephone 0800 800 405 has already received hundreds of calls.
Waikato Mayors, Council Chief Executives, Members of Parliament, Iwi leaders and other regional powerbrokers met Monday [06 April] via video link.
Hamilton City Council and Waikato District Council have joined forces to operate a North Waikato Combined Emergency Operations Centre (NWCEOC) to co-ordinate community support during the Covid-19 National State of Emergency.
On Monday 30 March Waikato political leaders will meet via teleconference to discuss COVID 19 and its significant economic and social impacts on the region. They will focus specifically on how Waikato authorities can come together to kick start our economic recovery.
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