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Privacy statement

The collection and use of personal information by the Waikato District Council is regulated by the Privacy Act 1993. Under this Act, personal information may be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with a function or activity of the Waikato District Council and only if necessary for that purpose. Such information must, as a general rule, be collected directly from the individual concerned and that person must be told why the information is needed.

Waikato District Council will use personal information provided by website visitors only for the reasons it was given. Waikato District Council may disclose personal information to authorised third parties of information assurance services..

All enquiries about or formal requests for information in relation to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, or the Privacy Act 2020 should be made in writing to: Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia.

Terms of Use for Customer Portal

Our customer portal enables customers to have an improved experience when applying and requesting information from council.

The full terms of use and privacy statements for the customer portal can be located here.

Live streaming of Council meetings

In the interests of making our decision-making process transparent and accessible, public Council meetings are broadcast live online and then made available on our website. You will know which meetings are being filmed as there will be a sign clearly stating this before you enter into the meeting room. Most of the filming will cover elected members as they speak and debate at the meeting. However, the filming may also include shots of the public in the background and of anyone speaking at a public forum. The footage will be publicly available and can be accessed from our website.​

Last updated 8 May 2024, 10:17 am

Download the Antenno app

Use the Antenno app to tell us about things that need our attention, like potholes, graffiti, or broken streetlights.

More about Antenno
