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Graffiti and tagging is a problem that affects your community. There are steps that can be taken to help reduce the risks of being a target for graffiti and removing graffiti. If you take steps to reduce and remove graffiti and tagging in your community, the Police will help to make sure the offenders do not repeat their behaviour.

Graffiti has been identified as a major concern by many residents within the Waikato district. Waikato District Council currently spends about $80,000 per year to eradicate graffiti.

It is not council policy to remove graffiti from private property, however, we can help with a solution in most cases.

Report graffiti here

Or phone 0800 492 452.

Fast facts about graffiti in your community

  • Over $7000 of damage can be caused by one spray can
  • One spray can is good for 500 'hits' (tags)
  • 95% of tagging offenders are under the age of 17

How to avoid being a target for graffiti

  • Paint your fences and walls in dark colours that will cover in one coat - unpainted fences are a great target for taggers
  • Plant small trees or shrubs along fence lines to minimise surfaces that can be vandalised
  • Remove tagging as soon as it appears, preferably within 24 hours - by taking action quickly and removing the tagging, offenders are discouraged if you deny them exposure they are looking for
  • Keep a sample of the paint used to paint your fence or walls - in the event that you are tagged you can quickly remove the tagging with the paint you have saved
  • Start a Neighbourhood Support Group - Contact your local community constable who will assist you in starting up a group in your area

Report it, remove it

If you deny tagging offenders the exposure they are after they become discouraged. You can help discourage them by taking action quickly and removing the tagging as soon as possible.

Try to keep an eye on groups acting suspiciously. Most tagging offenders are aged 10-21 years old. Call the Police on 111 as soon as you see someone in the act of tagging.

Get as many facts as you can that will assist Police in locating the offender, including:

  • Physical description of the offender
  • Description of the tagging (such as paint, colour and words etc.)
  • Record vehicle number plates and descriptions
  • Take photographs that clearly show the tagging
Tagging is not just a Police or Council problem, it's a community issue best tackled together. Crime can't survive in a community that cares. Remember, taggers get away with graffiti because people are reluctant to get involved.

Don't give up - the message will get through that we take pride in our district.

Last updated 2 August 2022, 02:53 pm

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