Hamilton City moving to Water Alert Level 3 tomorrow has an impact on some southern Waikato district residents.
The following meetings will be held during February 2020.
A meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held on Wednesday 19 February commencing at 1.30pm.
The following meetings will be held during January and February 2020. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated.
Waikato District Council’s staff spent last Wednesday 15 January with a number of its closest partner organisations to focus on the importance of working together.
Waikato district is poised to welcome the Australian Supercars this April as Hampton Downs looks set to host the New Zealand leg of the Australian Supercars championship.
Spring Hill Corrections Facility in Hampton Downs has been thanked for their involvement in Waikato District Council’s ‘little libraries’ project.
Waikato District Council is looking for up to three Maangai Maaori (the voice of Maaori) to join our team for a start in 2020.
Waikato District Council has extra staff to help manage freedom camping over the summer months, thanks to funding from the government.
The Minister for the Environment has granted Waikato District Council a 14-month extension of time to give a decision on the Proposed Waikato District Plan, under clause 10A Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act.
Notice is hereby given that Waikato District Council, for allowing the MG Car Club to hold a motorsport event, proposes to temporarily close Maioro Rd, for the period set out below.
An extraordinary meeting of the i-SITE Tender Review Subcommittee will be held on WEDNESDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2019 commencing at 1.30pm.
Waikato District Council is committed to the continued improvement of the health of the awa alongside our partners. This includes programmed improvements and upgrades to all of our wastewater assets.
Hamilton City Council has moved to Water Alert Level 1 today. Hamilton’s move to Water Alert Level 1 will also affect Waikato district residents in Tauwhare, Matangi and Gordonton as they’re supplied by Hamilton’s water network.
350 staff, more than 20 sites across the district and plenty of work to do. Waikato District Council staff had a blast giving back to their communities on Friday.
Summer is officially here so it’s time to start thinking about how much water we use.
The Waikato District Council has prepared a Summary of Decisions Requested by Submitters to Plan Change 22 to the Waikato District Plan.
The following meeting will be held during December 2019.
Lake Kainui Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at Horsham Downs Hall on Tuesday 10 December 2019 at 7pm.
This Friday, 6 December, we’re closing our doors and giving back to our community. It’s been a busy year in the Waikato district and Waikato District Council staff are celebrating by taking the opportunity to give back.
Use the Antenno app to tell us about things that need our attention, like potholes, graffiti, or broken streetlights.
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