Waikato District Council gives notice for unformed road to be stopped.
The following meetings will be held during June 2016. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated.
Tuesday 14 June 2016, Town Hall.
Queens Birthday 2016
The following dog registration fees and charges have been adopted by the Waikato District Council and become due and payable on 20 May 2016.
This is the first official meeting of the new Community Committee where the Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary will be appointed.
The undermentioned stock, having being seized for impounding at Rosser Street, Huntly are impounded at Waikato District Council Stock Pound.
Waikato District Council as Fire Authority for the Waikato territorial district gives notice of an Open fire season in effect from midnight 21 March 2016 until further notice.
This is your chance to elect people to represent you for the next three years.
Due to a public holiday there will be no refuse and recycling collection Monday 25 April.
Notice is hereby given that the Waikato District Council proposes to stop parts of Spence Road at Horotiu.
Waikato District Council has adopted the Waikato District Council Public Places Bylaw 2016.
Temporary one lane Stop/Go access during daylight hours on a section of Hakanoa Street, Huntly from 7am Monday 18 April 2016 to 7pm Tuesday 31 May 2016
The purpose of the hearing is to hear submissions and further submissions on Plan Change 8 Technical Amendments to the Waikato section of the Waikato District Plan.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held in the Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 10 May 2016 commencing at 2.00pm.
The following meetings will be held during May 2016.
Members of the public are cordially invited to participate in the ANZAC Day Commemorative Service.
The Waikato District Council has prepared the following Plan Change to the Waikato District Plan.
Notice is hereby given that the Waikato District Council proposes to stop in sections, the portion of unnamed, unformed off Devine Road at Tamahere.
Members of the public are cordially invited to participate in the Anzac Day Civic Service.
Extraordinary Meeting of the Waikato District Council will be held in the Council Chambers, District Office, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia on TUESDAY 19 APRIL 2016 commencing at 1.00pm.
Waikato District Council is seeking feedback on the Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw, and the Proposed Cemeteries Bylaw.
Use the Antenno app to tell us about things that need our attention, like potholes, graffiti, or broken streetlights.
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