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Ngaaruawaahia - Great South Road / Old Taupiri Road Roundabout

The Waikato District Council is currently building new infrastructure to accommodate growth in the Ngaaruawaahia North area with the construction of new stormwater and roading along Festival way with works on Galbraith Street already well advanced.

The final component of the project is a new roundabout at the intersection of Old Taupiri Road and Great South Road. 

The most important aspect of this project will be traffic management. Watercare, on behalf of WDC, has been constructing a Wastewater pipeline along Great South Road for the past few months and this has been very challenging for the contractors involved as well as road users. The roundabout project will be seen as an extension of that works and it is critically important that we get it right, and this includes minimising disruption to road users and local residents.

Due to Great South Road being a vital part of our network, and an alternative route in the event of the State Highway being closed, extended day time closures will not be possible.

We welcome innovative methodologies and whilst we do not have a fixed expectation as to how the works might be completed, it is suggested that the project be constructed in 5 key stages commencing with all works away from the main carriageway and those works which can be undertaken inside a lane closure or contraflow system to enable the main road to remain open during the works. Each quarter could be done as a separate stage with the final stage being the road construction in the centre of the carriageway.


Project Update

The Old Taupiri Road/Great South Road roundabout project is targeted for completion August 2025 and is currently getting started with the contractor starting on site and established on Monday 24th February.

We will be having some nighttime closures for the project to minimise traffic disruption and will advise the dates of these in due course.

Upcoming and current roadworks

At a glance
Maaori wards
Tai Runga Takiwaa
General wards
Completion date
August 2025

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