We’re having a great summer across the Waikato. Long, hot days have meant a chance to relax and enjoy the sun. It’s also meant that a lot of families have been enjoying inflatable swimming pools in their backyard.
Until further notice, Waikato District Council will not be issuing fire permits from 5pm, Friday 20 February.
Waikato District Council will shortly enter a tender process for district wide road network maintenance services as a result of a Council decision on 17 February.
Waikato District Council will include consolidation with Watercare as a fourth option to be analysed in the sub-regional joint water study which is currently underway.
Watch out, kids about’, is the message for drivers from Waikato District Council and Police as school starts back.
Use the Antenno app to tell us about things that need our attention, like potholes, graffiti, or broken streetlights.
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