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The Waikato District Council endorses recommendations made at committee meetings and in addition makes decisions on matters that are not delegated to committees.

Council meets on a six-weekly cycle with meetings scheduled to start at 9:30 am.

Chair: Her Worship the Mayor

Deputy Chair: Deputy mayor

Membership: Mayor and all councillors

Meeting frequency: Six weekly - or as required

Quorum: Half of the members (including vacancies)

Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires Council to adopt a code of conduct.  All elected members are required to comply with the code.  The Council's Code of Conduct is as follows:

Council Code of Conduct December 2019

For more information contact the Chief Executive Gavin Ion or the Democracy Team on any matter relating to the Council agenda.

Upcoming meetings

Council Meeting - Extraordinary

Location: Zoom, Ngaruawahia

This extraordinary Council meeting is being called to:

• seek the Council’s approval to appointments of representatives to the Future Proof     Implementation Committee and Waikato Regional Council’s Regional Connections Committee
seek the Council’s approval to a development agreement with Synlait; and
• seek the Council’s approval to a development agreement in relation to the Pokeno 
  Countdown; and
• update the Council on the 3 Waters’ MoU.


  • Due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2, we are using Zoom to record and live-stream workshops and meetings that are open to the public. These live-streams can be viewed on the Council's YouTube page.
  •  It is proposed that most of the principal matters to be discussed at this meeting will be considered with the public excluded.

Previous agendas and minutes

View all minutes and agendas from May 2024 onwards using our new online search tool. 

Below is a list of minutes and agendas published before May 2024.

Council Meeting - Extraordinary

Location: Zoom, Ngaruawahia

This extraordinary Council meeting is being called to:

• seek the Council’s approval to appointments of representatives to the Future Proof     Implementation Committee and Waikato Regional Council’s Regional Connections Committee
seek the Council’s approval to a development agreement with Synlait; and
• seek the Council’s approval to a development agreement in relation to the Pokeno 
  Countdown; and
• update the Council on the 3 Waters’ MoU.


  • Due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2, we are using Zoom to record and live-stream workshops and meetings that are open to the public. These live-streams can be viewed on the Council's YouTube page.
  •  It is proposed that most of the principal matters to be discussed at this meeting will be considered with the public excluded.
