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Variation 3 (Enabling Housing Supply) to the Proposed Waikato District Plan implements the Intensification Planning Instrument required under section 80E of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) by incorporating the Medium Density Residential Standards and giving effect to policies 3 and 4 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (with related provisions).

Waikato District Council resolved at its meeting on 16 October 2024 to accept all recommendations of the Independent Hearings Panel on Variation 3, except for recommendations relating to:

  • rezoning of land to Medium density residential zone 2 at 46 Jackson Street, Ngaaruawaahia.
  • rezoning that part of the property at 5837 Great South Road, Ngaaruawaahia which is subject to the Site and area of significance to Maaori to Medium density residential zone 2 and including the qualifying matter.  

The rejected recommendations (together with reasons and alternative recommendations) have been referred to the Minister for the Environment for a final decision under clause 101(2) of Schedule 1 of the RMA. The reasons for rejecting the recommendations and Council’s alternative recommendations are set out in full in the Council’s decision which can be viewed as set out below.

The affected parts of Variation 3 as altered by recommendations of the Independent Hearings Panel that have been accepted by Council will become operative in accordance with Clauses 104 and 20 of Schedule 1 of the RMA on 30 October 2024.

Clause 102(a) – Accepted Recommendations (including where minor amendments have been made under Clause 102(3))

The Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) have presented their recommendations in specific findings and by recommended track changes to the provisions of the PDP.

The findings of the Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) that have been accepted by Waikato District Council are:

(a)       IHP Recommendations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11, (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21) and (22). Refer to attachment E of the Council decision.

(b)     All recommendations identified in Appendix 5 of the IHP report relating to the following sections of the Waikato District Plan where they have not been rejected:

(i) Definitions *

(ii) Strategic Directions

(iii) Te Ture Whaimana*

(iv) Water, wastewater and Stormwater*

(v) Natural hazards and Climate Change*

(vi)  Subdivision*

(vii) Commercial zone*

(viii) Town Centre zone*

(ix)  Medium Density Residential Zone*

Refer to attachment H of the Council Decision.

* indicates where a minor amendment has been made (refer to Attachment G of the Council Decision).  

Planning Maps

District Plan Maps

The planning maps have been updated in accordance with the accepted and rejected recommendations.  The amendments are as follows:

(i)    Rezoning all land currently identified as General residential zone or Medium density residential zone in Ngaaruawaahia, Huntly, Tuakau, Pookeno,  and a part of Horotiu (the General residential zoned land that is generally located north of Great South Road and Mangaharakeke Drive and south of Horotiu Bridge Road and the Waikato River)  to Medium density residential zone 2, with the exception of the site at  46 Jackson Street, Ngaaruawaahia and that part of the site on 5837 Great South Road, Ngaaruawaahia which is subject to an overlay relating to a Site and area of significance to Maaori.   

(ii)   Identification of the existing Medium density residential zone in Raglan and Te Kauwhata as Medium density residential zone 1.

(iii)  Retention of the General residential zone within the Huntly mine subsidence area.

(iv)  Identification of the existing area of Commercial Zone (generally located between Onslow Street and Rayner Road on the eastern side of the railway in Huntly) as the Huntly Commercial Precinct.

(v)   Identification of the land that is to be rezoned from the General residential zone  to the Medium density residential zone 2 in Ngaaruawaahia, Huntly, Tuakau and Pookeno and  Horotiu, as being within the Outer intensification layer     

(vi)  Addition of the Tuurangawaewae Marae surrounds, Tuurangawaewae Marae outlook high potential effects area, and Tuurangawaewae Marae building height assessment overlay to the planning maps for Ngaaruawaahia

(vii) Rezoning of 23A Harrisville Road, Tuakau to Medium density residential zone 2 and the application of a geotechnical limitation qualifying matter to the site

(viii)   Rezoning of 111 Harrisville Road, Tuakau to Medium density residential zone 2.

Supporting information layer

In accordance with the accepted recommendations, a new non-statutory mapping layer has been added to the Council’s mapping system which identifies High risk area 2 and Flood plain management area 2 (relating to flooding).

New rules have been added to the Natural hazards and climate change Chapter which limit the permitted number of residential units within properties at risk of flooding.   

Clause 102(b) - Rejected Recommendations and Reasons

The recommendations of Variation 3 IHP that have been rejected by Waikato District Council and the reasons for the rejections are set out in Attachment F to the Council decision.

Clause 102(3) - Alterations with Minor Effect or to Correct Minor Errors

Recommendations of the IHP that have been accepted by Waikato District Council but for which alterations were necessary to alter the recommendations in a way that has a minor effect or to correct a minor error are set out in Attachment  G to the Council decision.

Where to view the decisions

The Waikato District Plan will be updated to incorporate the operative provisions of Variation 3, The associated Independent Hearings Panel recommendations, and Council’s decision including the recommendations that have been rejected (with reasons and alternative recommendations) can be viewed at the following:


Gavin Ion

Chief Executive

