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Application concerning resource consents - Sanderson Group Limited

Section 95A and 127 of the Resource Management Act 1991

Waikato District Council has received the following applications:

Applicant:   Sanderson Group Limited


Eastern Extension Applications:

Part A: is a land use consent, under both district plans to extend the retirement village across 56 and 70 Tamahere Drive to the east of the existing retirement village, to provide for a further 25 villas and an arts and crafts facility in the Rural/General Rural Zone. The application number is LUC0188/24

Part B: is a s221(3) cancellation of consent notice (B513181.3) registered on the title for 70 Tamahere Drive. This application goes hand in hand with Part A. The application number is VAR0002/24

Southern Extension Applications:

Part C: is a land use consent, under both district plans to extend the retirement village across 82 and 92 Tamahere Drive to the south of the existing retirement village, to provide for a further 42 villas and a new health spa in the Rural/General Rural Zone.  The application number is LUC0189/24

Part D: is a s127 application to change the conditions (Condition 1 of LUC0597/21.03) and approved plans of an existing retirement village consent at 70 Tamahere Drive, to provide for two additional villas. These villas are proposed to be located on the existing southern boundary, within the current 25m setback in the Rural/General Rural Zone. This application goes hand in hand with Part C. The application number is LUC0597/21.04

Part E: is a land use consent, under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (‘NESCS’), for land within 92 Tamahere Drive. This application goes hand in hand with Part C.   The application number is LUC0189/24


Eastern Extension Applications listed above:

56 Tamahere Drive - Lot 1 DPS 59441 Comprised in Record of Title SA51C/860 - 1.1ha 

70 Tamahere Drive - Lot 1 DPS80372 Comprised in Record of Title SA64C/250 - 8000m2 

Southern Extension Applications listed above:

92 Tamahere Drive - PT LOT 11 DP 9747 Comprised in Record of Title SA1443/27 - 3.54ha 

82 Tamahere Drive  - Lot 1 DP535970 Comprised in Record of Title 565970 - 1.71ha  

70 Tamahere Drive - Lot 2 DP565970 and Part Lot 2 DPA7512 Comprised in Record of Title 1011954 – 16.5ha (This site location relates only to Part D).

The application includes an assessment of environmental effects.

The full application can be viewed here.

Please contact Michelle Carmine Consultant Planner acting on behalf of Waikato District Council, telephone 022 605 9822, if you have any questions about the application.

Any person may make a submission on the application.  You may do so by emailing your submission to or sending your written submission to Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia.  The submission must be in form 13. Complete the submission here.

Submissions close midnight on Monday 19th February 2024.

You must serve a copy of your submission on Sanderson Group Limited, whose address for service is Bloxam Burnett & Olliver Limited, PO Box 9041, Hamilton 3240 Att; Kathryn Drew or email as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on Waikato District Council.   

G J Ion

On behalf of Waikato District Council

Notice given under section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 22 January 2024

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