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Intention to sell abandoned land

TAKE NOTICE that the Waikato District Council and the Waikato Regional Council (Councils) intend to exercise their statutory powers under s77 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 to apply to the District Court not sooner than one month after the date of this notice for orders declaring the land described at 27 Rata Street, Te Kauwhata, being all the land contained Record of Title SA373/267 (Land)* to be abandoned and authorising the Councils to sell or lease the Land.

The Record of Title shows the registered owners of the Land as Awe Toro Paki, Te Waru Wetere Paki, Ngohi Wetere Paki, Rangi Rerewai Kene, Peete Kene, Anti Kene, Paki Kene, Ani Tinipoaka, Rangitamoana Rawiri, and Papi Rawiri.

Anyone having any interest in the Land or any information that is relevant to the proposed application by the Councils, please contact Colin Bailey on 0800 492 452, or email, or post to Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia.

* The Land is General Land and not Māori Freehold Land.

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