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Public Notice: Variation 3 to the Proposed Waikato District Plan - Enabling Housing Supply

Variation 3 to the Proposed Waikato District Plan - Enabling Housing Supply 

Clause 5 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 

Waikato District Council has prepared Proposed Variation 3 to the Proposed Waikato District Plan in accordance with the Resource Management Act 1991, and is now calling for submissions.   

The purpose of the variation is to enable more houses and higher density housing to be built in the Medium Residential Zones in the towns of Huntly, Ngãruawãhia, Põkeno and Tuakau.  

These changes are directed by central government under the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021. However, we’re aiming to do this in a managed way; one that respects our environment and the features of our district that are important to us.  

Key aspects of the variation include: 

  • Renaming the Medium Density Residential Zone in Huntly, Ngãruawãhia, Põkeno and Tuakau to Medium Density Residential Zone 2; 

  • Amending the objectives, policies and rules of the Medium Density Residential Zone 2 to provide for three, three storey residential units as a permitted activity if all the standards are met; 

  • Modifying the standards where qualifying matters apply, such as cultural and heritage sites, natural hazards and Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato; 

  • Amending the subdivision rules for the Medium Density Residential Zone 2 to provide for residential subdivision as a controlled activity; 

  • Retaining the current provisions for the General Residential Zone in Huntly, Ngãruawãhia, Põkeno and Tuakau to address qualifying matters; and 

  • Rezoning specified areas of land from the General Residential Zone to the Medium Density Residential Zone 2, and from the Rural Zone to the General Residential Zone. 

Where can you view the variation?  

From 19 September 2022, you can view full details of the variation, including the relevant Planning Maps, at:  

  • Waikato District Council website 3; and  

  • All Waikato District Council offices and libraries. 

How to make a submission 

Anyone can make a submission on Variation 3 however if your submission enables gaining an advantage in trade competition, then a submission is only permitted if: 

  • You are directly affected by an effect of the variation that adversely affects the environment; and  

  • Does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition. 

Submissions can be made by one of the following methods: 

  • Delivered to Council offices and libraries in Ngãruawãhia, Raglan, Huntly, Tuakau, Te Kauwhata and Tamahere 

  • Send to: Private Bag 544, Ngãruawãhia 3742 

  • Email: 

The submission must be in accordance with Form 5 as set out in Schedule 1 of the Resource Management (Form, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003 and must state whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission. The relief you seek through your submission(s) must be clearly set out. 

Staff are available to discuss any questions with you. Please contact us on 088 492 452 or email

The submission period commences on Monday 19 September 2022 and closes at 5pm on Friday 28 October 2022. 

Process for public participation 

  • After submissions have closed, Council will prepare a summary of submissions and give public notice of the availability of this summary and where they can be viewed. 

  • The following persons may make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made: 

Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest. 

Any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public. 

Council itself. 

  • If a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of their submission, a hearing must be held. 

  • Council has appointed an Independent Hearings Panel to conduct the hearings. 

  • The Hearing Panel will make a recommendation to Council. 

  • Council either accepts or rejects the recommendations of the Hearing Panel. 

  • If Council accepts the recommendations of the Hearing Panel, it will give public notice of the decision. 

  • If council rejects the recommendations of the Hearing Panel, the Minister for the Environment makes the final decision.

  • Government has directed Council to use the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process (ISSP) and there is no opportunity to appeal the decisions to the Environment Court.  

Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 28 October 2022. 

Gavin Ion 

Chief Executive 

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