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Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991

Waikato District Council has received the following application:

Applicant:    Gull New Zealand Ltd

Proposal:      Application for Resource Consent for a proposed 24hr unmanned service station in the Pokeno Business Centre (Business Zone).

Location:     68 Great South Road, Pokeno, being Lot 41 (Part Allotment 15 Parish of Mangatawhiri) on Deposited Plan 19787 as comprised in Record of Title NA899/187.

The application includes an assessment of environmental effects.

The full application can be viewed here

Please contact Milan Covic at Waikato District Council, telephone 07 824 8633, or call free 0800 492 452 if you have any questions about the application.

Any person may make a submission on the application.  You may do so by emailing your submission to or sending your written submission to Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia.  The submission must be in form 13.

Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 26th February 2021.

You must serve a copy of your submission on Gull New Zealand Ltd, whose address for service is

Hayson Knell Limited PO Box 381, Tauranga 3140 Att: Grace Burman, as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on Waikato District Council.  


G J Ion
On behalf of Waikato District Council

Notice given under section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 28 January 2021.




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