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Notice of Meetings


Meeting Dates

The following meetings will be held during September 2020. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated. Please refer to the note below in relation to Covid-19.


Waikato District Council

Monday, 21 September, 9.30am


Council Committees

Strategy & Finance Committee

Infrastructure Committee

Wednesday, 2 September, 9.30am

Monday, 7 September, 9.30am

Audit & Risk Committee

Chief Executive’s Performance Review Committee

Wednesday, 23 September, 9.30am

Tuesday, 29 September, 9.30am

At this meeting, the matter to be considered is the Chief Executive’s performance review, which will be discussed with the public excluded.


Community Boards/Committees

Te Kauwhata Community Committee


Taupiri Community Board

Wednesday, 2 September, 7.00pm

St John Hall, 4 Baird Ave, Te Kauwhata

Monday, 7 September, 6.00pm

Memorial Hall, Greenlane Road, Taupiri

Pokeno Community Committee


Tamahere Community Committee

Monday, 7 September, 7.00pm

Pokeno Hall, Pokeno

Monday, 7 September, 7.00pm

Tamahere Community Centre, 21 Devine Road, Tamahere

Ngaruawahia Community Board

Tuesday, 8 September, 6.00pm

Committee Rooms 1&2, District Offices, 15 Galileo St, Ngaruawahia

Huntly Community Board

Tuesday, 15 September, 6.00pm

Huntly West Community Hub, Harris Street, Huntly

Raglan Community Board

Wednesday, 16 September, 1.30pm

Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow St, Raglan

Meremere Community Committee

Thursday, 17 September, 7.00pm

Meremere Community Hall, Heather Green Ave, Meremere


Other Decision-Making Bodies

Waters Governance Board

Friday, 18 September, 9.00am


Note: COVID-19 Update

The Council’s focus is very much on ensuring our communities, elected members and staff are safe, and that we continue to deliver the essential services to our District. If the current Alert Level 2 status in Waikato continues, some of the above meetings that are open to the public may be held via Audio-Visual conference (Zoom) rather than in-person.  If Zoom is used, open meetings (other than community committee meetings) will be livestreamed on the Council’s YouTube website and a recording uploaded to the Council’s website after the meeting.

Where meetings are held in person during Alert Level 2, all necessary safety measures of physical distancing, contact tracing and hygiene will be in place. Please do not attend any public meetings if you are unwell or have been requested to self-isolate.

Information will be updated on our website should there be any further changes to meetings.

Note: In the event that the business is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later scheduled date.

Agendas and minutes for meetings are available at

This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.


GJ Ion
Chief Executive


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