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Notice of Cancellation of Meetings

Notice is hereby given that the following previously advertised meetings have been either cancelled or postponed for public safety due to the developing situation of COVID-19.  Please refer to the Council’s website for future meeting dates.

Details for each cancelled or postponed meeting are listed below.

Waters Governance Board Meeting    
CANCELLED  26 March  12.30pm
Regulatory Subcommittee –
Objection to Menacing Dog Classification
POSTPONED 31 March 9.30am
Huntly Community Board Meeting
CANCELLED 31 March 6.00pm
Raglan Community Board Meeting
CANCELLED 1 April 1.30pm
Meremere Community Board Meeting
CANCELLED 2 April 7.00pm
Council Meeting CANCELLED 6 April  9.30am
Tamahere Community Committee Meeting CANCELLED 6 April  7.00pm
Creative Community Schemes Assessment Committee Meeting
CANCELLED 20 April 9.30am
Policy & Regulatory Committee Meeting
CANCELLED 28 April 9.30am
Onewhero-Tuakau Community Board Meeting 
CANCELLED 8 April 6.00pm
Strategy & Finance Committee Meeting
CANCELLED 29 April 9.30am


Please also note the following:

A new decision-making structure was approved by the Council at an emergency meeting on 24 March.  This includes establishing an Emergency Committee comprising six elected members (Mayor Sanson, Deputy Mayor Bech and Councillors Gibb, Sedgewick, Smith and Patterson), with a quorum of two members. The Emergency Committee will have all powers, responsibilities and duties of the Council, its committees and the community boards, other than those which are held by staff or cannot be delegated by legislation. Emergency Committee Agendas and Minutes will be posted on the Council’s website in the usual manner.

Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment.

This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.


GJ Ion

Chief Executive

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