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Adoption of the Annual Plan 2019/20 and Fees and Charges

In accordance with section 95 of the Local Government Act 2002, at its meeting on 26 June 2019 the Waikato District Council adopted the Annual Plan 2019/20 and made minor amendments to the Long Term Plan 2018-2028 Fees and Charges.

The Annual Plan is Council’s budget for one financial year, explaining how the Council will fund projects, activities and services identified for that year.  The Annual Plan 2019/20 represents year 2 of the Long Term Plan 2018-2028.  Council also amended its Fees and Charges as part of the Annual Plan process. Fees and charges are used to assist in the operation and maintenance of a variety of services provided to the community. 

You can view the Annual Plan or the Fees and Charges documents online at  and hard copies will shortly be available to view at our offices and libraries.

GJ Ion

Chief Executive

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