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Library agreement reflects Councils’ collaboration

Shared library services for Hamilton and Waikato District residents in the immediate areas around Hamilton will resume next month after an agreement between the two councils was approved yesterday.

Hamilton City Council approved the agreement at its 27 June 2019 meeting as part of wider discussions about growth issues and collaboration between local councils.

Waikato District Mayor Allan Sanson said he was pleased with the decision by Hamilton City Council, saying that it represented a fair deal.

“Our residents living near to Hamilton City will again be able to have open access to Hamilton’s libraries. This is an example of one of the many things our two Councils are working through for the benefit of our collective population,” Mayor Sanson says.

Hamilton Mayor Andrew King says growth in Hamilton and the wider region is exciting and is producing economic and social benefits. Closer collaboration between the Councils is a key factor in ensuring quality, sustainable growth in coming decades, he said.

“This libraries agreement is a tangible example of how closer relationships between councils can provide benefits for the people we serve. We recognise our people live, work and socialise in their communities of interest, regardless of territorial boundaries. I’ve been very appreciative of the way staff and elected members between our councils have been able to work through this agreement in a way which puts our residents first,” Mayor King says.

The library services agreement runs for three years from 1 July, 2019 and Waikato District Council is contributing $199,235 plus GST annually for the service. The agreement covers approximately 8000 Waikato District households in the southern area of Waikato District, a total of around 23,000 people.


The following links show a map of the catchment area and a list of the roads that qualify for the agreement.

List of roads that qualify

Library catchment area

For more information please contact:
Jacob Quinn
Communications Manager
Waikato District Council
027 509 8907

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