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Proposed Waikato District Plan (Stage 1)

Pokeno development
Clause 5 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (Act)

Waikato District Council has prepared the Proposed Waikato District Plan (Stage 1) (“Proposed Plan (Stage 1)”). The Proposed Plan (Stage 1) is now open for submissions.

The Proposed Plan (Stage 1) is a full review of the current Operative Waikato District Plan (“the Operative Plan”). Following the local government boundary changes in 2010, the Operative Plan has consisted of a Waikato section and a Franklin section. The Proposed Plan (Stage 1) combines the Waikato and Franklin sections into a single district plan with an integrated approach to growth, development and the sustainable management of natural and physical resources across the district.

As the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) is a full review of the Operative Plan and or sets the framework for the use, development and management of resources throughout the district, Council considers that every resident and ratepayer is likely to be directly affected by some aspects of the provisions contained in the Proposed Plan (Stage 1).

The Proposed Plan (Stage 1) relates to all chapters arising from the review of the Operative Plan except for the provisions relating to Natural Hazards and Climate Change.

The preparation of draft provisions for the Natural Hazards and Climate Change chapter is awaiting the completion of technical reports relating to flooding from rivers, and coastal inundation and erosion. Consultation on Natural Hazards and Climate Change will be undertaken during the remainder of 2018. It is anticipated that the review of the Operative Plan relating to Natural Hazards and Climate Change will be notified as Stage 2 of the Proposed Plan in 2019.


Request to rollover existing designations without change

The following 21 requiring authorities have requested that their existing designations contained in the Operative Plan be included in the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) without change:
- Airway Corporation of NZ Ltd
- Auckland Council
- Chorus NZ Ltd
- Counties Power
- Department of Conservation
- Department of Corrections
- First Gas Ltd
- Hamilton City Council
- Hauraki District Council
- KiwiRail Holdings Ltd
- Minister of Police
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Justice
- New Zealand Transport Agency
- Radio NZ Ltd
- Transpower NZ Ltd
- Waikato District Council
- Waikato Regional Airport Ltd
- Waikato Regional Council
- Watercare Services Ltd
- WEL Networks
Requests to rollover existing designations with modifications

Transpower NZ Ltd and the Department of Corrections have requested that some of their existing designations contained in the Operative Plan be included in the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) with minor modifications to some conditions.

Notices of Requirement for new designations

Chorus NZ Ltd has lodged a Notice of Requirement to designate 25 sites that already have telecommunication facilities established on the sites. The  Ministry of Education has lodged a Notice of Requirement to designate 3 sites that already have schools established on the sites. New Zealand Transport Agency has lodged a Notice of Requirement to designate State Highway 39.

Making a Submission

Waikato District Council and any other person may make a submission on  the Proposed Plan (Stage 1). However, if the person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) that adversely affects the environment and does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

You may make a submission in the following ways:
  • Download a submission form at;
  • Complete an online submission form on our website at www.waikatodistrict.;
  • Pick up a hard copy submission form at all Waikato District Council offices and libraries;
  • Request a submission form be posted to you by phoning us on 0800 492 452.

To lodge a submission, send a written or electronic submission in the rescribed form to Council at:

Waikato District Council
Private Bag 544
Ngaruawahia 3742
Fax: 07 824 8091

If you decide not to make a submission using our form, written submissions must be on Form 5 as prescribed by clause 6 of Schedule 1 of the Act.Your submission must state whether or not you wish to be heard on your submission.

Where to view the Proposed Plan (Stage 1), Planning Maps and all supporting documents

  • At all Waikato District Council offices:
    • Ngaruawahia office (Head Office) at 15 Galileo St,Ngaruawahia,
    • Huntly office and library at 142 Main St, Huntly
    • Raglan office and library at 7 Bow St, Raglan,
    • Te Kauwhata office and library at 1 Main Rd,Te Kauwhata
    • Tuakau office at 2 Dominion Rd,Tuakau
  • At all Waikato District Libraries:
    • Meremere library at Te Puea Ave, Meremere
    • Ngaruawahia library at 4 Jesmond St, Ngaruawahia
    • Tuakau library at 72 George St,Tuakau

Process for public participation

After the closing date for submissions

  • Waikato District Council will prepare a summary of decisions requested by submitters and give public notice of the availability of this summary and where the summary and submissions can be viewed.
  • There will be an opportunity for the following persons to make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made:
    • Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;
    • Any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has; and
    • Waikato District Council itself.
    • If a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of his or her submission, a hearing must be held.
    • Waikato District Council must give its decision on the provisions and matters raised in the submissions (including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions) and give public notice of its decision within 2 years of notifying the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) and serve it on every person who made a submission at the same time.
    • Any person who has made a submission has the right to appeal against the decision on the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) to the Environment Court if, in relation to a provision or matter that is the subject of the appeal, the person referred to the provision or matter in the person’s submission on the Proposed Plan (Stage 1); and the appeal does not seek the withdrawal of the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) as a whole.

Submissions on the Proposed Plan (Stage 1) close on Tuesday, 9 October, 2018 at 5pm.

Contact details:

Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia, 3742
Telephone: 0800 492 452

Contact person for further information: Vishal Ramduny, Planning and Strategy Manager, Waikato District Council.

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