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Proposed Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy

Waikato District Council has updated its existing Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy, as per sections 131 and 132A of the Building Act 2004 and is seeking the community’s views.

The Act requires Councils to have a policy for dangerous, affected and insanitary buildings. The Policy and Regulatory Committee approved the draft policy on 15 May 2018 for consultation.

This is now an opportunity for the community to have their say on how dangerous, affected and insanitary buildings are handled in the Waikato District.

Key proposed changes in the proposed policy include the removal of the earthquake-prone portion from the policy, which is now covered under the Building Act 2004, and the inclusion of “affected” to the heading of the policy as required by the Building Act 2004.

To take a look at the proposed policy, go to 

Copies are also available at Waikato District Council offices and libraries.

Submissions close on 18 July 2018. A hearing is scheduled for 1 August 2018.

Submissions can be:

Made online:

Posted to:      Waikato District Council
                        Private Bag 544
                        Ngaruawahia 3742

Delivered to: Any Waikato District Council office or library

Emailed to: (Subject heading should read: “Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy –Submission”

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